Saturday, March 26, 2016

He Is Risen

This Easter weekend I am trying very hard to teach my two toddlers the story behind the celebration.  I want them to comprehend as much as they can regarding Gethsemane, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection.  Although my children are only 2 and 3 years old they seemed to comprehend the reverence and importance of this time of the year.  They understood that he was hated and then killed but that he overcame death.  We talked about the results of his sacrifice, that we can live as a family forever.

I am so grateful for my Savior and his willingness to carry the burden of my sin and suffer.  I am grateful for my family and that we can live together forever.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Motherhood: An Eternal Partnership with God

This video is very empowering and uplifting.  As a mother I find such comfort in knowing that I am never left alone as I strive to mother my children.  I can have a "perfect brightness of hope" as I look forward towards eternity.  I can know that I am blessed for my efforts, guided when lost, and strengthened when feeling fatigued.  I can do this.  I can be the mother my Heavenly Father wants me to be if I only rely on Him for aid.

Having Children Enriches Your Life

My children have enriched my life in so many ways.  I know that the timing of each of our children was inspired and I am so grateful that the Lord guided and directed my husband and I as we made the important decisions to bring spirits into our home.  Each of my children has such a unique and special spirit which enriches and enhances our family so much.  I couldn't imagine living life without them and I am grateful that families can be together forever.

Marriage and Divorce

Elder Dallin H. Oaks offers direction and instruction for those who may be struggling within their marriage and are seeking after divorce rather than repentance.

Saving Your Marriage

"A marriage eternal in duration and Godlike in quality does not contemplate divorce."

Looking through Windows

How quick are we to judge? How often do we decide who a person is without even meeting them?

This video gives an example of the dangers associated with assuming and looking with judgment at others.

Meet Our Family! Infant Loss and Open Adoption

This is a story of infant loss that means a lot to me.  My aunt and uncle lost their son to Trisomy 18 and it was so devastating for our entire family.  Right after they lost their son I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. I remember feeling guilt and anguish while looking at my own miracle.  I couldn't help but feel like the luckiest person in the world but also wishing they could have the same joy I was feeling.

Their story is incredible and I think that there are many people who could benefit from hearing their story.

Opportunities to Do Good

This is an incredible story of a community and ward members coming together to support a family who hadn't been living in the area for very long.  I couldn't imagine going through the uncertainty and heartache of seeing my child go through a life threatening ordeal.  I hope to be able to emulate the example of those who showed Christ like love to this family.

You Never Know How Much Good You Do

This video really hit home for me.  We never know the good we do when we are willing to serve and sacrifice for those around us.  During Christ's ministry he spent a lot of time serving his brothers and sisters regardless of what he was intending to do.  We need to follow his example and willingly serve those around us.

Make It a Good Day - Happy Families

I am so grateful for my role as a mother and the routines I have created within my home. The moments I spend with my children are irreplaceable and I will cherish them forever.

Pizza with the Puentes - Happy Families

There are so many ways that we can spend quality time with our families.  One way we can create a happy environment at home is by including our children in daily tasks. Check out how this family makes dinner a fun activity for everyone!

One Big Experiment - Happy Families

Are you looking for some fun ways to interact with your family members? Check out some of the ways this family spends time together!

Love Is Spoken Here - Jenny Oaks Baker - Music Video

Nearer, My God, To Thee - Music Video